
Saturday, December 24, 2011

All I Want for Christmas

I've already received most everything on my Christmas list:
  • Wonderful husband
  • Nice home
  • New job
But if I could ask Santa for just one more thing, I'd ask for a healthy calf. No, not a baby cow, but that muscle in the bottom part of your leg known in medical circles as the Gastrocnemius.

I was really hoping I'd be 100% today and ready for a long run. But unfortunately, my calf still needs more time. I've now missed my first two long runs of the training cycle, and that's the one type of run that you just can't substitute on an elliptical or in the pool-- although I will certainly try. 

I went back to my sports chiropractor (aka Santa?) in hopes of getting a healthy calf yesterday and even though his treatment helped, he told me that I wasn't ready to run anything longer than two miles at this point.

And since I'm making a wish list, I might as well add this:

And since I was born Jewish, I guess that means I can create a Hanukkah wish list too, which would include this item:

That's all for now. I'm looking forward to spending the holidays with family and relaxing. 


  1. New job? I owe you an email & wanna hear all about this, congrats! Hope you & your family have a good holiday :)

  2. Guess I'll return that baby cow I got for you. Merry Christmas!

  3. Yuck! I hope your calf feels better. How frustrating! Enjoy your holiday and I bet some relaxing will do the body good.

  4. Sorry Elizabeth, I was hoping it was just a little spasm. Get it fixed and hopefully it'll all be better by New Years! Fingers crossed for you!! Have fun in TX!!! :)

    Merry Xmas and Happy Hanukkah!!

  5. awww Sorry to hear! My hamstring is still giving me problems too, Santa didn't bring me new legs either.
    Suck it up and get to the pool, it's better than nothing!

  6. You can re-create it in the pool! I was injured for the bulk of January last year and did my long runs 1/2 pool and 1/2 land. I'd park at the pool, run, and then jump right in to do the rest.

    When I started, I was only able to do a few land miles, then the rest in the pool. Gradually, I shifted the balance so it was more land than pool. Trust me - it works!
