
Friday, November 18, 2011

A Zebra Doesn't Change Its Stripes

I was so excited to know my time that I ruined my finish line photos! I specifically tried NOT to do that this year, but I guess I wasn't as far away from the finish as I thought!

Veteran's Day 10K 2009
48:54 PR
Veteran's Day 10K 2011
45:19 PR

I've been taking it pretty easy this week in terms of running. I know I will need fresh legs for my Turkey Trot 5K next week!

I took a complete rest day on the Monday after the race, and on Tuesday I went for an easy pool run and 900 yd swim. On Wednesday I was back out on the road with an easy 7-miler. Thursday was another easy 7-miler, although the pace was a bit zippier. Today I subjected myself to 5 x 3:00 pool running intervals (harder than track intervals!) and tomorrow I plan to do a long run of 14-15 miles.

In other news, I jumped on the Richmond Marathon bandwagon and registered for the 2012 race at the low introductory price of $55. (Which means no Veteran's Day 10K). It will be the five-year anniversary of my first sub-4:00 marathon, and I'd like to beat my 2007 time by 30 minutes. It's a pipe dream at the moment, but I'm going to work hard all year to try and make it happen. It's not horribly unrealistic for someone to decrease his/her marathon time by 30 minutes over a 5-year period of consistent training.

I do regret that I am missing out on the opportunity to experience a new marathon, but Richmond is one of my all-time favorites. Let's just hope I can hold off a few seconds before hitting that "stop" button on the Garmin!


  1. I love your all-red outfit in the second one! And I've got quite a few watch pics too. sigh.

  2. I think after my first triathlon race photo I noticed how I don't really show any emotion to the camera, so after that I've made a point to try and look at the camera and TRY to smile. I've never had a dead on watch shot like this!
    Anyway, like I tweeted at you earlier, SUPER excited that you're doing the Richmond marathon! It'll be fun to virtually train with you next summer!

  3. haha, that is pretty funny. Watching you progress this season I totally believe you have a (sub?) 3:30 in you!! Fun!

  4. You look awesome! I'm really glad you're getting back into another marathon. :)

  5. at least you look great in your photos. I viewed some from my 5k today, and I'm GASPING for air in all of them. lol

    Nice improvement on that 10k time from 2009 to 2011. Congrats!

  6. I'll echo what Happy Feet said, you always look great in your running pics! I look like I'm trying very hard no to die. ;)

  7. those pictures are so funny! i definitely have some watch pics, too :o)
    i have been thinking of richmond, too...i haven't ever run the full there and doing part of it (17.5 miles) with my sister last week really got me thinking ... i just know how much i love MCM and it is so convenient for me and my family. i have to decide!

  8. There's something about those Haines Point races, where the photographer doesn't take your picture until several seconds AFTER the finish line. I remember at JATW I specifically ran through the finish line, then dropped to a walk, then hit my watch. Yup - that was my finish photo.
